Medical Questions » Syndrome Questions » Question No. 980
Question:Please tell me about Turner syndrome. I have met this girl who when I asked her out told me that she has this problem, and explained it by saying she is not a complete woman. I am confused, and she is embarrassed, so I' d like to know more, but can' t really ask her.
Answer:Turner syndrome (also known as XO syndrome) is a rare defect in sex chromosomes. The person is born with only one X chromosome (XO), and no matching X or Y sex chromosome. The sex chromosomes are named X and Y Normally two X chromosomes (XX) occur in a female, and one of each (XY) in a male. Patients look female, but are really asexual, as they do not develop testes or ovaries and are infertile. At puberty, the breasts and pubic hair fail to develop, the genitals remain child-like in appearance, and menstrual periods do not start. Other signs are short stature and a web of skin that runs from the base of the skull down the neck and onto the top of the shoulder. The diagnosis can be confirmed by blood and cell tests that show the chromosome structure. Giving female hormones (oestrogens) in a cyclical manner from the time of expected puberty will encourage the development of female characteristics such as breasts. Growth hormone can be used to improve height, and surgery can correct the heart defects and neck webbing. The main complications of the syndrome are eye disorders, heart valve defects, narrowing of die aorta (main body artery), a stocky chest, the early development of diabetes and thin frail bones (osteoporosis). Patients can function as females in every way except fertility, and can otherwise lead a normal life. Your friend may feel that once you know all the facts you may reject her, and she may have been hurt before. Provided you do understand the long-term implications, if you still feel attracted to her, by all means ask her out again.

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