Medical Questions » Sleep Questions » Question No. 917
Question:My wife and I are in our seventies, and sleep seven or eight hours a night, and often have an afternoon nap as well. Many other people our age have a lot of trouble sleeping, or sleep for far less time. Is there something wrong with us?
Answer:Sleep patterns are an extremely individual characteristic, and vary markedly from one person to another. Generally, the amount of sleep required slowly decreases from infancy, through childhood to adult life and old age, but there are exceptions to every rule. Some adults cope quite well on five hours sleep a night, while others (particularly teenagers) seem to require nine or even ten hours a night to function well. Others have frequent brief naps and cope well with life. The ease of sleeping also varies—those who cannot easily get to sleep and wake frequently, are annoyed by those who can fall asleep in a minute and remain in that state, oblivious to their partner' s restlessness, for the entire night. The amount of sleep that you need is the amount that suits you—and only you. Inadequate sleep makes you tired (obviously), but also irritable and decision making can be affected. On the other hand, too much sleep can also be detrimental, causing headaches and light-headedness. There is nothing wrong with you or your sleep pattern, and you are probably the envy of your peers.
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