Medical Questions » Kidneys and Bladder Questions » Question No. 552
Question:My 26 year old daughter has a problem of always wanting to pass urine. She goes to the toilet every hour or two, passes urine at night several times, and always has the feeling that she needs to empty her bladder. She was a bed-wetter into her teens, and has a craving to eat sweet things like chocolate bars at all hours of the day and night. I would be grateful if you couid help her with your advice.
Answer:After reading your lettet, the disease that came immediately to mind was diabetes. Diabetics are constantly passing copious quantities of urine, are very thirsty and often crave sweets. There are a number of other diseases that could cause her symptoms including a chronic low-grade urinary infection, kidney diseases, abnormal activity of the pituitary gland in the brain and structural abnormalities of the bladder, but no matter what the cause, she requires further assessment by a doctor as soon as possible. All these conditions can be controlled or cured, but if treatment is delayed some permanent damage may result.
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