Medical Questions » Vitamins Questions » Question No. 1542
Question:What' s your view on melatonin?
Answer:Best known for beating jetlag, melatonin can also be a remarkably effective solution to other problems -from insomnia to depression and perhaps even ageing. The substance is produced by the pineal gland, at the base of the brain, and is depleted by stress and also decreases naturally as we age. Melatonin is released at night, when it' s dark.

If the body' s levels are low, supplementing melatonin can help you sleep better. Body levels are naturally higher at night, so it should be taken no more than two hours before bedtime. Melatonin boosts immunity, and is a very powerful antioxidant that can help protect against heart disease and cancer. At night, when it is highest, it helps to ' clean up' the body and brain, reducing cancer risk. Low melatonin levels are often found in people with brain, breast and prostate cancer. Low melatonin levels are believed to be the cause of seasonal affective disorder, or SAD - the winter blues.

Electromagnetic radiation has negative effects on melatonin. So, for example, if you have a cordless phone base station next to your bed, or even a radio clock, the radiation from these devices could be perceived as if they were light, consequently affecting your sleeping and dreaming, and lowering your production of melatonin. So, make sure you sleep in a dark room, without any sources of electromagnetic radiation close to you head.

Melatonin, which is a hormone, not a nutrient, is prescription-only in the UK, and is best taken under the guidance of a health professional. It is also available in the US, over the counter. Suppliers can easily be found on the Web.

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