Medical Questions » Vitamins Questions » Question No. 1526
Question:What' s your view on vitamin B6?
Answer:Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is an essential nutrient and has proven helpful in a variety of conditions, from PMS to cardiovascular disease. In the US, supplementing vitamin B6 is considered essential for minimizing the risk of a heart attack.

For the body to make use of protein, you need B6 and, together with zinc, it is needed to make the enzymes that digest food - the process essential for turning food into energy. B6 also boosts brainpower as well as immunity. It helps make the brain chemical serotonin, a deficiency in which can cause depression. One study showed that about a fifth of depressed people are deficient in pyridoxine. It can become toxic above l,000mg a day. The ideal amount to supplement is 50 to lOOmg a day. Good multivitamins provide around 50mg.

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