Medical Questions » Stomach Questions » Question No. 1273
Question:What do you recommend for flatulence?
Answer:A Flatulence is a sign that your digestion isn' t working as well as it should and the ' bad' bacteria in your gut are feasting on your undigested food, producing gas. There are three key steps to getting rid of the gas. Firstly, chew more thoroughly: this is the number one way to improve your digestion. Secondly, check for food intolerance - wheat is the big culprit if you suffer from bloating and flatulence. Try cutting it out completely for 10 days, and replacing it with other grains like rye, oats and rice. Then reintroduce it (have a lot) and see what happens. If this shows you that wheat is a cause, reduce it as much as possible, and in time (a few months, say), if you have it on occasion, it shouldn' t cause you too much of a problem.

Thirdly, consider taking digestive enzymes. If you often feel bloated, get indigestion after meals or suffer from excessive flatulence, you may not be making enough enzymes to digest your food properly. It' s a vicious circle, because with fewer enzymes you absorb fewer nutrients and with fewer nutrients you make fewer enzymes. If this is your problem, there' s a simple solution. Supplement a digestive enzyme tablet with each meal. The good ones contain lipase (for digesting fat), amylase (for digesting carbohydrate) and protease (for digesting protein). Some also contain papain (from papaya) or bromelain (from pineapple). Eating these fruits fresh can also aid digestion.

Also supplement a multivitamin and mineral containing 10mg of zinc because zinc is needed to make stomach acid. If you improve your eating habits you may well find that within a month, you can stop taking the digestive enzymes and still stay well.

If these steps don' t work, you should see a nutritional therapist, who can assess other potential problems in your digestive system (such as dysbiosis or an imbalance in intestinal flora, or parasites).

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